Thursday, March 17, 2011

March 17

Woke up this morning feeling a slight excitement for the day. Anticipation. I love it when I wake up with this feeling. It feels like a warm hope deep inside my heart. An excitement for the events of the day. I see the sun rise over the plateau behind my house. I love the change in the early morning clouds. I thank God for the morning. I am aware how temporary all life is.  I take a deep breath and savor this moment. My devotion this morning focused on the judgement seat of Christ. A difficult teaching. No bunnies running over green grass and rainbows. I will think and meditate about this today. Thich Naht Hanh reminded me of morning waking up. To devote myself to a path of peace and understanding. Can these ideas be harmonious? What does knowing that I will sit in God's judgement someday bring out in me today. I understand that sin over time creates a hard heart toward the sin. A numbness or unawareness of sin. In fact it is likely that I have and will do many sins and not realize them at all. But more simply I am confronted with the things that I know are sin and choose not to do anything about them. Or at least I have not chose to do anything about them in the past. We all grow and change with time. I search my heart for where God wants to work in me today. I feel that the Lord wants to work in me on compassionate speech today. No cussing, which actually I do quite often and with a unusual ease. Lord, help me to be more aware of my speech today. Let my communication reflect your love for the world. Let me communicate out of awareness of eternity. AMEN

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