September 13
Honor to Him,
the Blessed One,
the Worthy One,
the fully Enlightened One.
To Honor our Higher Power allows us the understanding that we are not the center of the universe. Our ego steps aside and allows for us to surrender to a force greater than ourselves. This can be quite a comforting thing in meditation as we let go of control and just be okay realizing the presence of the Holy One in our midst. We realize that we are okay, we can quit judging our finite selves and realize that we are part of a much larger universe. With our mind as still as a quiet pond we just be. In silence we reflect nature just as it is. Like a mirror our calm mind allows ourselves to be. And we let go of vain attempts to control others. We learn to accept them as they are. The chant is a vehicle in which we journey headlong into the understanding that we are part of this divine mysery and the Holy presence is with us. It is all around us. The challenge is to find that divinie spark when we feel it the least. Can you imagine the Buddha where you are? He is there. He is in you. We have to quiet ourselves to listen to Him. He is in our spouse, our children, and our bosses.
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